Cloudpaging Services
In the quest to simplify the orchestration and delivery of applications to modern virtual and physical desktops, the integration of technologies like Numecent Cloudpaging and Cloudpager into your company’s estate is a significant and transformational step forward.
The transition demands expertise, precision, and strategic input to ensure the full benefits of Cloudpaging are maximized from the outset.
At Cloudpackagers, we’re huge enthusiasts for these technologies and can help accelerate your adoption.

Initial Service Support
With its unrivalled ability to handle even the most complex legacy and custom applications and provision them dynamically across any modern Windows desktop – anywhere in the world – Cloudpaging is fast becoming the go-to packaging technology in enterprise IT.
We believe Cloudpaging and Cloudpager represent the ‘gold standard’ for modern enterprise application management.
We were early adopters and huge enthusiasts for these technologies and have partnered with Numecent to help businesses in their own adoption of these powerful tools.
Contact us to find out how we can help you get your Cloudpaging journey off to a flying start.ent

The process of getting applications ‘packaged’ as Cloudpaging containers is remarkably intuitive but your in-house or existing third-party apps packaging provider may not yet have experience of the product.
We’re official Numecent partners and are certified to deliver the vendor’s official training curriculum. Here’s how we can help. t
Connect with us today to find out how we can get your teams up to speed.
Why Do We Recommend Cloudpaging and Cloudpager?
Our consultants have managed all range of application packaging workflows: smaller businesses with a modest portfolio of applications, to multi-year global transformation programmes for major enterprises encompassing thousands of applications and users.
No matter what the size of your project we can supply the right number and quality of people to accelerate your success. We offer flexible, fixed-price services meaning you only pay for what you really require, without the hassle of onboarding additional hires.
Cloudpackagers can provide ready-made teams to oversee the full rationalization and migration of an enterprise apps estate. This one-stop service includes project management, business analysis, software asset management, discovery, application packaging, QA, testing, deployment and aftercare. No matter the size of your requirements, we can provide a fully-formed expert team that will save you the time and expense of fishing in the contractor market.
With years of experience in the industry our consultants have worked in many diverse enterprise IT set-ups and have packaged many thousands of applications between them. Those packaging issues that have brought your internal IT team to a standstill: we’ve usually seen them before and have found a solution. Not only do we understand and master the full range of tooling and platforms found in enterprise application estates, but our depth and breadth of experience enable us to identify solutions quickly. We offer a unitised, fixed-price approach to packaging and testing your applications. We can do this because we’re very confident that we can produce what you need much quicker and more cost-effectively than the alternative: taking on the greater cost and risk of onboarding permanent or contract staff sourced via generalist recruitment agencies (many of which do a poor job of vetting the real-world skill levels of the candidates they forward to you.)